Tagged: meditation

How I Learned to Meditate, or Mindfulness of Anything But How Much Everything Costs in Your Big Red Cart

I’ve recently developed an interest in meditation, even though I have no earthly idea how it works or how it helps.  I’ve read articles, I understand the concept, but I don’t get the practice. Since there’s nothing else challenging going on in my life, I thought I’d add this challenge to it. (Sarcasm, of course. I’m adding meditation to help get through other life challenges.)

I attempted a 21-day Meditation Challenge, which went well for the first 3-4 days. Sort of. I had some technical difficulties with the recorded guided meditation a day here or there, but I liked what I did so far. Then a friend came to visit, then I went on vacation (which would have been the perfect time to meditate… oops) and I never got through one week straight. A good first attempt, and even though I was too tired, too busy, too whatever to do the 21-day challenge, I still was interested in incorporating meditation into life.

Someone recently explained meditation a little better to me, and I think I understand now of what I can do with it. Meditation can be anywhere, anything, when you’re focused on your breath, the present moment, the sensations in and around you, and not preoccupied with rabbit trail thought strings, your to do list, or what else is going on in your life. You don’t have to sit on the floor like a Buddha and close your eyes and burn incense and listen to monks chanting and “clear your mind” – in fact, you can’t really clear your mind ever (at least I can’t, but I do like sitting in Easy Pose, burning incense, having my Buddha statue nearby, and listening to Sanskrit/meditation music on my Spotify radio station). I had a realization that, if that is the definition of meditation – to be fully present, undistracted by fleeting thoughts, concentrated on the moment, place, and sensations  you’re in right now — there is one place I can and do meditate.

When I go shopping at Target, I lose myself. I lose track of time while there and after I push my cart through the automatic exit doors, I feel like I’ve escaped the world for a bit, and I leave happy (only because I don’t pay attention to the amount I just swiped on my Target RedCard). When I’m pushing that big red cart through the aisles, I’m not thinking about what happened to me that day, I’m not worrying about when I’m going to get a new job, or if that one guy is ever going to text me again, or if I’m exercising enough, or all the other things my mind generally stresses me out about daily/hourly/by the minute. I’m in my Target zone. In a temple of divine goods that consume my full participation – how do I feel about this shirt? I see it, I touch it, I check the price tag, I envision it in my life, I consult my inner self about it. And usually put it back. I do the same in every department I visit for on my trip – I’m fully present in that moment with my thoughts and feelings about an item, I’m unaware of other people around me (except for the screaming, unhappy child, there’s one in EVERY Target EVERY time I go), I’m allowing myself to be absorbed in the moment and with whatever item I’m considering and how it will impact my life and wallet. Surprisingly, I’m not distracted when I hear my phone whistle a text alert – not now, I’m in Target!

Maybe that’s actually not meditation at all. Maybe that’s mindfulness? Whatever you want to call it, that’s how I’m beginning to understand it. I’m peaceful, I’m in no rush, I’m not thinking a mile a minute about a million preoccupations, I’m there with myself, I’m warm and comfortable, I’m taking a break from life to experience the present moment. Note: I’m not receiving any compensation from Target for this post, unfortunately. I’m open to offers, though. And I’ll have to develop stronger meditation skills at home, otherwise meditation is going to become one expensive new habit! If you have a different understanding or meditation practice, I’d appreciate any other insights. Preferably ones that are free. Namaste. ~CkB