Tagged: bad habits

10 Things I Hate about You: Philadelphia Edition

I love Philly, but — like a true Philadelphian — I also love to hate this city. Some of these things make me want to leave. Most of them have taught me how to curse. All of them I could do without. ~CkB

10. Lame excuses of thunderstorms

You can’t even call the storms here thunderstorms because there’s no thunder. There’s nothing like a good heavy rainstorm with a lightening show and some deep thunderous replies. Plus everyone freaks out over any amount of rain or mention of “bad” storm. What do you do with  millions of batteries, gallons of water, and loaves of bread you over-stocked yourselves with?

9. Taxes on graduate tuition remission and AmeriCorps awards

I’m not complaining about getting free tuition through tuition remission from the university I worked at while in grad school, and I’m not complaining about receiving and Education Award after the incredible year of volunteer service I experienced through the AmeriCorps*VISTA program. I just think it’s mean to tax free graduate tuition at 25%, and I just think it’s stupid that the government taxes an award that the government gives to the folks who work for the improvement of society. (Side note, I try not to complain about taxes because we have it pretty damn good here in America.)

EDIT: I guess this is a Federal government thing, not a Philadelphia thing. Whoops. We’ll go with complaining about the city wage tax then. Or geez, how did SEPTA not make this list?

8. That Philly smell

If you’ve been here, you know what I mean.

7. Everybody trying to screw you for their benefit

Maybe not everybody, but from my experience this was specifically William Penn Realty Company, the PPA, and most recently PGW (if they shut off my gas, they’ll have more than an angry blog post coming their way).

6. Spitting

The most disgusting habit that I will never, ever be able to accept. I saw an old lady in red lipstick and a floral dress spit on the sidewalk in Washington Square Park. How is this socially acceptable?!

5. Lack of affordable housing for young professionals

If you’ve noticed, there have been a few new “luxury” apartment buildings going up around Center City. How fabulous! But this city also boasts itself as being one of the top places for recent graduates to live, work, and play. As a recent grad, and even as a recent Master’s graduate, I can’t afford to live in a high rise luxury apartment building. At this point in my life, I don’t REALLY need granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, a garden tub, or even a roof deck pool (although I can’t say this isn’t what my dreams are made of). How about some clean and simple, reasonably priced apartments for the rest of us? We didn’t all major in Business, Law, and Finance.

4. Parking in traffic lanes

There are many socially acceptable driving habits that aren’t exactly legal but that every Philadelphian driver does. Parking in traffic lanes is NOT one of these. It comes down to being selfish drivers, which is the only way I’ve come up with to describe certain behaviors. Clearly your business is far more important than mine, so please, stop in the middle of an already narrow two lane Center City street. The blocked traffic will understand, and never mind that there is enough room in front of the parked cars to pull over to the curb. (Exceptions: moving and delivery trucks)

3. Winter

Not sure I’m allowed to complain about this since I chose to leave Florida, however, winter lasts way too long up here. It’s June, and last night I was chilly. I get depressed in March over the dead trees still being dead (dormant, really). Global warming, you’re welcomed here!

2. Parking

No comments necessary.

1. The PA Liquor Control Board

We’re in the 21st century. While I respect and appreciate the historical Quaker roots of our Commonwealth, let’s drop the antiquated liquor laws and start selling wine and 6-packs at grocery stores like the rest of America.